About Us

Who We Are?

For Every Power Outage, We Are Here.

Welcome to MyGeneratorLab, the ultimate hub for all that pertains to electrical power generators. Our team of engineers and experts, deeply knowledgeable and passionate about the intricacies of electrical engineering, are here to furnish you with the crucial information needed to make astute choices regarding your generator acquisitions.

Our commitment is to provide you with an in-depth understanding of the electric power sector so that your decisions are informed, and your satisfaction with your generator purchases is guaranteed.

What We Do?

The Trusted Name in Unbiased Reviews of Electric Generators.

At MyGeneratorLab, we are dedicated to ensuring you are equipped with all the necessary information to make the best choices in regard to electric power generators.

Our squad of specialists stays abreast of the latest advancements and products in the industry and is poised to impart their wisdom and expertise to empower you with the understanding you require for making judicious generator investment decisions. Be it a seasoned electrician, a DIY buff, or simply a discerning individual seeking a dependable generator, we are here to lend a hand.

On This Page:
Who We Are
What We Do
Our Work
Product Selection
Our Team
Contact Us

Our Work

How We Support Our Work.

At MyGeneratorLab, we hold the belief that information rooted in evidence and accuracy is of utmost importance. Our objective is to furnish you with the newest and most precise information pertaining to electric power generators, devoid of any biases.

Our experts employ a blend of systematic analysis and practical testing to ensure that the information we provide is current, credible, and impartial.

How We Support Our Work

Product Selection

How We Make the Best Product Reviews

At MyGeneratorLab, we understand the significance of delivering thorough and impartial product reviews in your quest for informed generator purchase decisions.

This is why we have established a stringent and comprehensive evaluation process that guarantees the accuracy and impartiality of our product assessments. Here’s a closer look at the method we undertake to maintain the quality of our product evaluations:

Market research

To remain updated on the latest advancements in the electric power generator market, we carry out extensive market surveys to determine the most sought-after companies and products.

Identifying key features

Our experts determine the most critical product features for customers based on their industry understanding and experience.

Selecting products

Based on our market surveys and key feature assessments, we choose the top-selling products that customers adore.

Analyzing reviews

Our team thoroughly analyzes buyer reviews for each product to determine what customers love and what they don’t.

Manual testing

Our team of experts individually tests the selected products to confirm their real-world performance and specifications.


We provide scores to the selected products based on their quality, functionality, and price, to assist you in making informed decisions.

Writing reviews

Our experts craft in-depth descriptions of each product’s features, pros, and cons to provide you with a complete understanding of the product.

Buying guide

We summarize all of our findings and create a buying guide to aid you in selecting the product that aligns with your needs and budget. Our objective is to furnish you with the most accurate and impartial information possible to help you make informed generator purchase decisions.


Meet our Team

Senior Power Generation Engineer

Jennifer Smith

Jennifer Smith, with a rich background marked by a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, boasts over 10 years in the power generation sector. Her journey includes a notable 5-year tenure as a Senior Engineer at a reputed energy firm, alongside numerous publications and speaking engagements in industry events, reflecting her deep-rooted expertise in generator design and development.

Industrial Technology Journalist

William Brown

William Brown is a seasoned journalist with a significant focus on industrial technologies, particularly power generators. Boasting a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and a 15-year long career, William has become a trusted voice in shedding light on the latest trends, innovations, and products within the power generator sector through his insightful writings.

Professor of Electrical Engineering

Elizabeth Garcia

Elizabeth Garcia, a distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering, has a rich academic and publishing history in the field of power generation and distribution systems. Her insightful discussions on electric generators are widely recognized in academic circles and industry publications.

Haven’t Found a Product? Contact Us!

In case the information you seek is not readily available on our website, or if you have any queries or feedback regarding our site, do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our team of experts is always eager to assist you with any issues or concerns.

Whether you require assistance in selecting the appropriate generator or have a query about a particular product, we are here to offer support. Get in touch with us today to discover how we can aid you in making informed choices about your generator investments.